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Extended Play (2013)

1. ‘Lovely Bitch’
2. ‘All The Way’
3. ‘Beep’ Ft. Sonia & Akuarius†
4. ‘Dance To The Beat [American Dream]’
5. ‘Rock My Love’
6. ‘Universe’
7. ‘We Broke Up At The Discotheque’
8. ‘Ensemble’
9. ‘Thanxx’
10. ‘Dance To The Beat’ [DJ Pa-Nick Remix] 1
11. ‘Dance To The Beat’ [Alex Moumouris Techmix] 2
12. ‘Beep’ [Masochists & Drums RMX]
13. ‘Lovely Bitch’ [Glam Bitch RMX]

14. 'Dance To The Beat' [Akustik RMX]


Written/Composed/Produced by Akuarius
Vocals by Tereza

† Additional Vocals by Sonia
1 Remix & Additional Production by DJ Pa-Nick

2 Remix & Additional Production by Alex Moumouris​

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